Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Critical Thinking Co.

Critical Thinking Co.

I have often received a catalog from Critical Thinking company, but unfortunately am unable to purchase anything from them (you know how it is with a budget). But I sure do love to look through their catalog and drool at the wonderful products that they offer. Luckily, Critical Thinking joined the TOS Review Crew vendor list.

They graciously sent me two thick books....Level 2 and Level 3 (verbal) of their Building Thinking Skills series. And when I say thick, I mean THICK. Each of these books has approximately 300+ pages of activities for the student to do, is reproducible (for family use only), and cost $29.99. The fact that you can re-use these books is a great help, especially for those who are homeschooling more than one child.
Critical Thinking Company carries many award-winning products that have helped students of all abilities achieve better grades and higher test scores.

My kids enjoyed doing the activities in these books. The lessons are short and actually fun! Considering these are workbooks, I thought maybe there were tons of lessons, with tons of drills and memorizing...but not so. These books contain activities that build upon themselves...they are sequenced so that children learn to analyze relationships between objects, between words, and between objects and words. This helps a child to develop better thinking and communication skills which provides a stronger foundation for learning.

Check out their website for samples: sample page

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