Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas to All!!!!

Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone....I know this may not be politically correct, but I feel that since we celebrate Christmas, then that is what we will say to people.

If someone practices Chanuka or Kwanzaa and wishes me a Happy Chanuka or Kwanzaa, I would not be upset or offended....I would just say thank you and the same to you, as it is apparent that the person is proud of their religion/heritage and is wishing me happiness. It's not like they are wishing ill-will towards me, which is why I just don't understand how wishing someone a Merry Christmas/Happy Chanuka/Happy Kwanzaa can be taken as disrespectful or offensive. I mean, how would they know what you celebrate anyway? Most times they don't know you, they are just passing on their happiness at this time of year. It's like when you pass a stranger on the street or in a store, and you smile or say 'hi' to're just being friendly. Why can't it be that way during religious holidays? Why do we have to get offended when someone says "Merry Christmas"? Why can't we just take it for what it is? A well wishing from one stranger to another.

This time of year is to be a time of year when people show goodwill towards each other....and if people would stop reading into things so much then I honestly think that there would be more goodwill towards each other all throughout the year.

So there you have it. My thoughts for the holidays.....

Merry Christmas to all. And we hope you have a wonderful, happy, and healthy New Year.

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